Published: October 28, 2013
Charlotte Deutsch, who will be 2 years old next month, has a look of
pure delight as she swipes the screen of her mother’s old iPhone, and
finds a picture of herself.
Gerald Herbert/Associated Press
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“Baby Chacha!” she crows, swiping again to encounter another treasure. “Dada!”
On the new iPhone — the one her mother actually uses — her big sister,
Izzy, 4, is utterly intent on “Dora’s Ballet Adventure,” her tiny thumb
tapping away at the stars and arrows.
The iPhones, loaded with 20 children’s apps and some 1,200 photographs,
are among the girls’ favorite playthings. “The little one loves to go
through the pictures and name who’s in them, see her grandma and her
nanny,” said their mother, Tina Deutsch, a former nursery school
teacher. “The older one loves the games, and taking pictures. She loves
the clicking sound, and if it’s blurry, she knows how to delete it.”
As adults turn, increasingly, to mobile devices like tablets, Kindles,
and iPhones, their children — even the smallest ones — are doing so as
well, according to a new study,
“Zero to Eight: Children’s Media Use in America, 2013” by Common Sense
Media, a San Francisco-based nonprofit organization that examines
children’s use of technology, and rates children’s apps, games and Web
The study is based on a nationally representative Internet survey of 1,463 parents with children under 8.
Over the last two years, the shift has been drastic. Among children
under 2, the survey found, 38 percent had used mobile devices like
iPhones, tablets, or Kindles — the same share as children 8 and under
who had used such technology in a similar survey two years ago.
Tablets, in particular, have become far more common. Forty percent of
families now own tablets, up from only 8 percent two years ago. And this
year’s survey found that 7 percent of the children had tablets of their
“I was blown away by the rapidity of the change,” said Vicky Rideout,
the author of both the new report and the 2011 version. “IPhones and
tablets are game changers, because they’re so easy to use. While there
was some floor on how young you could go with computers and video games,
a young child who can touch a picture can open an app, or swipe the
Though many parents express pride and amazement that their young
children are so tech-savvy, she said, what has really happened is that
technology has gotten much easier to use.
Certainly, mobile devices are more convenient than traditional
technology, whether for a parent’s own use or for distracting a fussy
child in a restaurant.
“I know if I need Zoe to be quiet for an hour, I can hand her the iPad
and I won’t hear from her,” said Dr. Laurel Glaser, a Philadelphia
physician with two daughters, Zoe, 5, and Maya, 1,
Dr. Glaser was one of the few parents interviewed who said she tried to
follow the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendation that children
under 2 should have no screen time.
“I’m not superstrict and sometimes we have the television on and both
girls see it,” she said. “But we don’t have any baby apps for Maya.”
Mostly, the group’s recommendation is ignored. The survey found that
children under 2, on average, spend an hour a day in front of screens —
engaging in activities like watching television, using computers,
viewing DVDs, playing with mobile apps. Children ages 2 to 4 averaged
two hours a day, and those 5 to 8, two hours and 20 minutes.
There are vast numbers of apps for babies and children, available free
or at low cost: educational apps to teach letters, numbers, shapes, sign
language; apps featuring television characters like Dora the Explorer;
game apps (Angry Birds is a favorite with all ages); and art and music
Many families, like the Deutsches, have smartphones with collections of
family photos and videos of their children’s recent outings, haircuts or
play dates.
“It used to be that a screen was a screen was a screen, and children
just sat and watched,” said Ms. Rideout. “But now it can be lots of
different things.”
The time younger children spent on mobile devices was still relatively
short, the study found. On average, children under 8 spent 15 minutes a
day on mobile devices, up from 5 minutes a day in 2011. Among those who
used a mobile device during a typical day, the average was an hour and
seven minutes, up from 43 minutes in 2011.
But as mobile devices have become more popular, the amount of time
children spend with the screens of more traditional technology —
television, DVDs, video games and computers — has declined by half an
hour a day over the last two years.
Television still dominates, though, taking up about half of all children’s screen media time.
Almost all parents of children under 8 have televisions, the survey
found, and most have cable as well. Three in 10 now have Internet
connectivity with their televisions, so they can stream shows to their
set from Netflix or other services. And increasingly, television is
time-shifted — streamed, on demand, or recorded for later use — to suit
the viewers’ convenience.
The study was conducted with a probability-based online panel by GfK,
a research company. The data was collected May 20 to June 12 and has a
sampling error of plus or minus four percentage points.
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